Mindful Eating
Mindful Living
Weight Loss
1. Renew your meditation practice. Do NOT add meditation to your to-do list. Instead, consider it a tool to enhance your everyday experiences. Meditate while standing in line, while cooking, or while walking down the street. A sticky note on your computer or next to your bed, with a soothing meditation, may help keep you on track.
2. Invite deep sleep:
Breathing in, I am conscious of all that I still have to do
Breathing out, I park them in my “to-do” box until tomorrow to get a good rest
3. Savor sweets. Treats are some of the best foods to savor as they are so rich in flavor. And if we really enjoy them, we are less likely to mindlessly over-consume them. Eating while full of guilt isn’t helpful. Choose your sweets thoughtfully, and enjoy them fully! Resource: savoring sweets meditation.
4. Enjoy the splendor of this time. The 2011 holiday season will soon be over. Delight in the sights, smells and sounds unique to the season. Do not miss the magical moments!
A passage on impermanence from Thich Nhat Hanh:
"Nothing remains the same for two consecutive moments. Heraclitus said we can never bathe twice in the same river. Confucius, while looking at a stream, said, "It is always flowing, day and night." The Buddha implored us not just to talk about impermanence, but to use it as an instrument to help us penetrate deeply into reality and obtain liberating insight."
5. Give thanks. Recent studies show that practicing gratitude improves health, perspective and relationships. Ancient dharma tells us that practicing gratitude reminds us that we are part of a beautiful whole, supported and loved. When you begin to feel stressed, alone, or anxious, consider the things you are thankful for.
Photo from Flikr Creative Commons, by Felipe Holanda
SAVOR: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life. Copyright © 2025 by Thich Nhat Hanh and Lilian Cheung. All Rights Reserved. Please review our terms of use
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These Tips are timely and wonderful!
1) I do all these, and I utilize various technology such as iPhone apps to remind me of these things as well. Technology is not a foe, it can enhance practice when used properly!
2) I've found that moving my meditation to the evening helps me sleep more soundly.
3) SO true! Since reading Savor, I have tremendously cut back on sweets, but I still enjoy them daily. The difference is that I enjoy them fully, and fewer.
4) Also perfectly stated! All around us are examples of people not Savoring the momemnts...I use those to remind me. And in a best case, this then reminds those people to also slow down and savor the moment!
5) I walk with my daughter some nights, and we discuss all the things we are grateful for. It started around Thanksgiving, and she has continued it, which I find sweet, and helpful!
Thank you for these wonderful reminders!