Error message

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  • The file could not be created.

A Personal Story of Success: Mindful Living, Weight Loss & Savor

mindful weight loss

Photo by Zirconicusso from

When I was a little kid, around grade four, I remember getting in trouble with my mom because all my shirts had a spot in the front where the fabric was warped.  This was because at that young age I was already aware that I was fat and was trying to hide it by pulling the fabric away from my body.

The smallest pant size I can remember wearing was 38, around grade 12. As an adult, once I started working a sedentary job in the computer business, my weight really started to rise. When I hit more than 300 pounds, I went on a diet and exercise program that worked pretty well.  The only problem, as with ALL diets, is that once I reached my weight goal, I relaxed, stopped dieting and exercising, and put the weight all back on, plus more.  That's the problem with diets.  They aren't meant to last. You have to make a permanent lifestyle change if you really want to win the weight war.

At 349 lbs., concerned about my health, I vowed I would never hit 350.  I was on a summer trip and had to walk a couple of miles to the only bookstore around if I wanted to relax in the air-conditioning. There, I discovered the book "Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Living".   I was already a fan of the idea of mindful eating, but hadn't really tried it in practice.  So I started reading.

It must have been the right message at the right time because I devoured the book and set about putting mindfulness into practice.  I had found the life-plan I needed!  I started making changes, a little at a time, pushing forward daily.. 


  • Drinking soda
  • Drinking Frappuccino's
  • Eating Fast-Food
  • Eating Red meat
  • Most Candy and Sugar
  • Eating Most Meat
  • Watching Television
  • Most Multitasking
  • Sedentary Lifestyle


But more than anything, I started applying mindfulness to more and more of my waking moments.  Six months later, I have lost 70 pounds, or 70% of my initial goal of 100 lbs. !!!

I've dropped eight pants sizes. I've lost my way out of two belts, soon to be three.  Perhaps most amazing of all is that I made it through the holiday season and not only continued to lose weight, but still was able to indulge in all
the sweets and good foods—without gaining weight—because I mindfully chose smaller portions.

When people ask me how I did it, I tell them "Savor!" I mean the book, and I mean so much more than that. Savor has become a sort of mantra for me: a personal slogan for how I live my life now, and how I hope to always live it. The power of mindfulness can't be overstated. It's the component that all the diet books and workout programs are missing, and why they all, ultimately, disappoint. Whatever exercise program or eating practices you employ, if you apply mindfulness to your life you will be more successful!

In sum, my advice on how to achieve the success you want is:

The Savor Sangha is positively FILLED (dual meaning intended) with wonderful, sympathetic, intelligent, supportive and like-minded people who need your help as much as you need theirs.  From my true heart, I am wishing you success!

Mondo Samu



Thank you for sharing your story. I was diagnosed as a diabetic in March 2010 and have been trying to reconcile my diet with my diagnosis. I've dropped from 242 pounds to 210 pounds using Weight Watchers and the Atkins Diet but am really stalled. I now have a copy of Savor and your post has encouraged me to put into practice what is written in Savor. I've wanted to be a vegetarian but that seems really hard to do with diabetes. It's like learning a totally new way of life.

Wow! Thanks for your story! It felt very peacefull to read. Hope to read an update soon. You made a lot of changes which seems wonderful to me! I should get into Tai Chi again, I just recognized.
Take care,